Saturday, February 21, 2015

2050 How's It Looking? The Changing Demographics of America

2050 How’s It Looking? The Changing Demographics of America
Jessica Porter
Community College of Baltimore County

Every year the race demographics in United States of America change.  Looking forty-five years into the future to the year 2050 we will see the biggest change in race demographics in the workforce.  The Hispanic race is growing at a record speed and the white non-Hispanic race is decreasing every year. With such a huge change in our country’s demographics there will be guaranteed changes in all aspects of our country.  

2050 How’s It Looking? The Changing Demographics of America
In 2050 we will all not only all be forty-five years older, but our country will be dramatically different racially.  Since the first census, in 1790, white non-Hispanics have dominated the population among the races.  However the growing number of interracial couples are producing a more and more racially diverse America each year.  That will lead to major changes in our future.
 Projected 2050 workforce demographics show that while white, non-Hispanics will still be the majority it will be by a significantly smaller margin than we have ever seen in history.  The Hispanic American population is projected to more than double by the year 2050 making Hispanics Americans the fastest growing race in our country.  While the white, non-Hispanics population decreases by almost twenty percent. This makes white non-Hispanics the only race that will decrease in size over the next forty-five years.
What does that mean for our country?  One major change is our schools will be more diverse, not only the children attending, but also the teachers leading the classrooms.  This will certainly have a positive effect on children who will have more relatable role models.  It is safe to assume that there will be a much higher demand for bilingual workers especially those fluent in English and Spanish in every profession.  It also means that there will be more diversity in the professional world, which will lead to more diverse neighborhoods compared to today’s current neighborhoods here in America.  Today there is unfortunately a large population who still believe that one race is more superior than others.  The biggest change that will result in a more diverse America is a more tolerant America. I personally believe that this will be an exciting time in our Nation.  I am for one looking forward to the ripe old age of seventy-three to see it!


Richard D. Bucher (2004). Diversity Consciousness Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities. Fourth Edition (8-9)

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